How To Remove Table But Keep Text In Word For Mac

In MS Word 2003, if I highlight a word/paragraph and press the Backspace button it doesn't delete the text. If I highlight a word/paragraph and type another word it doesn't delete the highlighted word/para. I'm forced to use the Delete button now. The Backspace button used to be my go to button- loved it. In Firefox, Windows, anywhere else I can still use Backspace as before; only Windows has this problem.
Another problem that I just notice is that I can press Tab to indent a paragraph, but when I try to use Shift+Tab to bring it back it simply pushes the text further to the right, as if I'd just pressed Tab again. Again this is only in Word. Maybe related?
I must have made some change but don't know what I did. I really don't remember doing anything out of the ordinary... Does anyone know how to change this setting?

How To Remove Table But Keep Text In Word For Mac

Remove Table But Keep Text In Word

Remove table but keep text in word

How To Remove Table But Keep Text In Word For Mac

Remove a table, but keep the text Before I discovered heading 1, 2 and 3 and the TOC, I was on a 'put your text in a single cell table' kick. So now I have rectangles scattered throughout my documents that I want to change to plain text under a heading line. In order to save the entire document as a text file, follow following steps: Step 1: To convert an existing table to text, select the table or parts of table that you want to convert. Step 2: Select and click the “Layout tab” from the menu bar.