How To Add Text To A Pie Chart In Excel For Mac

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In Reporting Services paginated reports, by default the legend shows categories. You may also want percentages in the legend or the pie slices themselves.

The Tutorial: Add a Pie Chart to Your Report (Report Builder) walks you through adding percentages to pie slices, if you'd like to try this with sample data first.

To display percentage values as labels on a pie chart

  1. Add a pie chart to your report. For more information, see Add a Chart to a Report (Report Builder and SSRS).

  2. On the design surface, right-click on the pie and select Show Data Labels. The data labels should appear within each slice on the pie chart.

  3. On the design surface, right-click on the labels and select Series Label Properties. The Series Label Properties dialog box appears.

  4. Type #PERCENT for the Label data option.

  5. (Optional) To specify how many decimal places the label shows, type '#PERCENT{Pn}' where n is the number of decimal places to display. For example, to display no decimal places, type '#PERCENT{P0}'.

To display percentage values in the legend of a pie chart

  1. On the design surface, right-click on the pie chart and select Series Properties. The Series Properties dialog box displays.

  2. In Legend, type #PERCENT for the Custom legend text property.


See Also

To add a text box in Excel 2013 like the one shown to the chart when a chart is selected, select the Format tab under the Chart Tools contextual tab. Then, click the Insert Shapes drop-down button to open its palette where you select the Text Box button.

To insert a text box in a worksheet when a chart or some other type of graphic isn’t selected, you can open the Insert tab on the Ribbon and then click the Text Box option on the Text button’s drop-down palette.

How To Add Text To A Pie Chart

Excel then changes the mouse pointer or Touch Pointer to a narrow vertical line with a short cross near the bottom. Click the location where you want to draw the text box and then draw the box by dragging its outline. When you release the mouse button or remove your finger or stylus after dragging this pointer, Excel draws a text box in the shape and size of the outline.

After creating a horizontal text box, the program positions the insertion point at the top left, and you can then type the text you want to appear within it. The text you type appears in the text box and will wrap to a new line should you reach the right edge of the text box.

How To Make A Pie Chart In Excel

You can press Enter when you want to force text to appear on a new line. When you finish entering the message for your text box, click anywhere outside the box to deselect it.

Bar Chart In Excel

After adding a text box to a chart or worksheet while it’s still selected, you can edit it as follows:

  • Move the text box to a new location in the chart by dragging it.

  • Resize the text box by dragging the appropriate sizing handle.

  • Rotate the text box by dragging its rotation handle (the green circle at the top) in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction.

  • Modify the formatting and appearance of the text box using the various command buttons in the Shape Styles group on the Format tab under the Drawing Tools contextual tab

  • Delete the text box by clicking its perimeter so that the dotted lines connecting the selection handles become solid and then pressing the Delete key.