Sublime Text 3 Shortcuts For Mac

Active1 year, 5 months ago

In Sublime Text 2, how do I enclose a selection in a comment?
Is there a keyboard shortcut for this action?


Learn Sublime Text 3 shortcuts in 12 minutes. Sublime Text 3 shortcuts for Mac and Windows. All the shortcuts discussed in this video can be found here - htt. Create a Sublime Text Keybinding for Reindent For Mac OSX, Linux, and Windows users, the keybindings settings file can be found in the menus Preferences > Keybindings - User. If you haven’t set new keybindings previously the default keymap file JSON looks like this. Keyboard Shortcuts - OSX. Sublime-text-3 sublime-text-2 Downloads pdf htmlzip epub On Read the Docs Project Home Builds Free document hosting provided by Read the Docs.

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15 Answers

By default on Linux/Windows for an English keyboard the shortcut is Ctrl+Shift+/ to toggle a block comment, and Ctrl+/ to toggle a line comment.

If you go into Preferences->Key Bindings - Default, you can find all the shortcuts, below are the lines for commenting.

Andrew BarrettAndrew Barrett
18.2k3 gold badges41 silver badges48 bronze badges

In the 'Preferences->Key Bindings - User'

Just paste it, these are will work great !


I'd like to add, that on my mac by default block comment toggle shortcut is cmd+alt+/

13.4k9 gold badges93 silver badges145 bronze badges

For German keyboards use ctrl+shift+# to toggle a block comment and ctrl+# to toggle a line comment.

The shortcut in Preferences->Key Bindings - Default is set to Ctrl+Shift+/ and Ctrl+/, but to actually use the functions, press the keys stated above.

2,6486 gold badges22 silver badges46 bronze badges

In a Brazilian Portuguese ABNT2 keyboard I have a similar issue to the one reported by JoshDM. In the file sublime-keymap I have:

But I have to use ctrl+; and ctrl+shift+;. On my keyboard, ; is on the left of /.

It seems like a bug.

13.4k9 gold badges93 silver badges145 bronze badges

you need to replace '/' with '7', it works on non english keyboard layout.


This did the trick for me coming from Brackets and being used to ctrl+/ on the numpad.

Xavier Guihot
11.9k11 gold badges44 silver badges42 bronze badges
Gísli Freyr SvavarssonGísli Freyr Svavarsson
1,1341 gold badge11 silver badges10 bronze badges

In my keyboard (Swedish) it´s the key to the right of 'ä': '*'.


13.4k9 gold badges93 silver badges145 bronze badges
6842 gold badges17 silver badges38 bronze badges

In keyboard (Spanish), SO: Win7.

Go into Preferences->Key Bindings - Default, replace...'ctrl+/']... by 'ctrl+7'...

And don't use the numpad, it doesn't work. Just use the numbers above the letters

13.4k9 gold badges93 silver badges145 bronze badges

Seems like some kind of keyboard mapping bug. I'm Portuguese, so I'm using a PT/PT keyboard. Sublime Text 3 apparently is handling / as ~.

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Flávio PereiraFlávio Pereira

Max OS: If you want to toggle comment multiple individual lines versus block comment an entire selection, you can do multi line edit, shift+cmd+L, then cmd+/ in that sequence.


First Open The Sublime Text 2.

And top menu bar on select the Preferences.

And than select the Key Bindings -User.

And than put this code,

I use Ctrl+Shift+C, You also different short cut key use.

Er CEO Vora MayurEr CEO Vora Mayur
7611 gold badge12 silver badges24 bronze badges
Xavier Guihot
11.9k11 gold badges44 silver badges42 bronze badges

On my laptop with spanish keyboard, the problem seems to be the '/' on the key binding, I changed it to ctrl+shift+c and now it works.

108k12 gold badges40 silver badges73 bronze badges
diego a.diego a.

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Active4 years, 7 months ago

Is there a comprehensive list of keyboard shortcuts for use in Sublime Text 2?

I'm specifically looking for shortcuts that grant me the functionality of the arrow keys, the Home, Delete (NOT Backspace) and End keys without moving my hands off of the home row...

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5 Answers

I should have dug more before I asked this... They are called 'Key Bindings' and every single one of them is configurable from within a text file. Click 'Preferences' > 'Default Key Bindings' to view them. Copy and paste the ones you want to edit into 'Preferences' > 'User Key Bindings' to and change to your hearts content.

Sublime text 3 download

Here is the documentation.

Download sublime text 3 windows 10

My problem was that I was searching for 'keyboard shortcuts' instead of 'Key Bindings'. Whoops...

To specifically address the question I had, about how to replicate the Delete, Home, End and Arrow keys, I have modified my 'User Key Bindings' file to look like the following:


Sublime Text 3 Shortcuts Cheat Sheet Mac

2,8176 gold badges21 silver badges25 bronze badges

I created a single page cheat sheet with the default keybindings for Windows:

You can also check out this post on my personal blog which additionally provides a quick explanation of the different possible commands.

Daniel Beck
95.4k12 gold badges241 silver badges292 bronze badges
Ben McCormickBen McCormick

You may not have heard of it but there is an app that shows you all the shortcuts of any app on your mac (this includes sublime text 2). You can find it at

Standard usage: just hold the command button while the app is running.

Vincent WarmerdamVincent Warmerdam

Here's the one I am using:

The site lets you narrow down by typing a few words describing the action or the keys.


I use the Package Keymaps which lets you search Key Bindings via the Command Palette.

From the Readme:


Sublime Text 3 Windows 10

  • NEW! Search for keymaps by function
  • Shows searchable color-coded Cheat Sheet (overview) of keymaps
  • Open the keymap file to edit chosen keymap

Sublime Text 3 Download

Alfred BezAlfred Bez

Sublime Text Editor For Mac

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