Vlookup Text Excel For Mac

Active2 years, 4 months ago

Lookup_value - the value to search for. This can be either a value (number, date or text) or a cell reference (reference to a cell containing a lookup value), or the value returned by some other Excel function. For example: Look up for number: =VLOOKUP(40, A2:B15, 2) - the formula will search for the number 40. Those seem to both looking for text in the 1st column on the second sheet, but I need to find the match, THEN look up text in the second column and return the values based on their being text/a blank.

I have a problem when using VLOOKUP in excel for MAC 2011. I am looking up for a value two column in different sheet, Column A is the one I want to check, Column B is the reference.

=VLOOKUP(A1, Sheet2!$A$1:$B$1000,2,0)

Some of boxes in Column A get a value return, but the other cannot. For those which cannot, when I retype the words inside the box, and I get the value returned.I try to copy the Column A and selectively paste with value only, but those cannot get a returned value remained the same.

I guest there is something wrong with the format, but I cannot fix it. Please help.

Vlookup Text Excel For Mac Not Working


1 Answer

Seems likely an issue with trailing spaces. With or without in the Table-array can be handled by adapting your formula to:

Excel Vlookup Text Not Working

(provided you don't have something like manifestation as well as station in ColumnA!).

Vlookup Text Excel For Macro Tutorial

If your source data has leading or trailing spaces that your Table_array does not then the recommended solution is to remove those by a formula such as:

copied down to suit and then that array inserted back to A1 with Paste Special, Values.


Another possibility is that you may be trying to match a value to text that looks like a value (or vice versa).


Excel For Mac Tutorial

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Excel Vlookup For Text Values

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