Mb Steam Mod Text Glitch For Mac

  1. Mod Text
  2. Baldi Mod Text

GTA 3 steam version problems. Tried the xbox mod also and that didnt do anything just messed it up more. Now i have 2 overlapping menus with NO TEXT and a whiny computer case. Yeah, techwise I know how it works. The difference between the updates files and the files I have is 185MB, but instead of doing something sensible and sane, like downloading and updating each file individually, it downloads every file at once, updates my game files, and then deletes all the updates.

Baldi mod text
Posted by3 years ago

I'm deleting all other threads. There's too many shitposts.

Some older threads:

Courtesy of /u/altrewin:

I have a theory! It would appear that these 0 Byte updates are deleting files, where from? The '_CommonRedist' folder many games have. So, my theory is that Steam may finally be bundling major redistributables (DirectX, OpenAL, etc.) as part of the Steam client install, instead of downloading the same set of files for multiple games, taking up a whole lot of storage (especially if you have everything installed like I do!) Edit: Using AoM:EE as an example, here is before download: https://i.imgur.com/cXXeq0g.jpg

And here is after https://i.imgur.com/Kb8D7bB.jpg


First wave of errors was a 0 byte patch update for most games with redistributables.

Second wave of errors was a ~108 update per game to re-download the redistributables.

If you get the error, post if you're on the beta client.

Mod Text

Mod text


How to edit toggle sneak mod text

Baldi Mod Text

  • edited August 2012
    There's a piece of software called Near Infinity which lets you rip apart Baldur's Gate and access all the game files for editing. Let me see if I can rip that song from it and I'll get back to you.
    I don't know anything about how ACM files work, but I can try and find out if there is a glitch in the track. If there is then I'll let you know and you can file a bug report which @Bhryaen will no doubt jump on soon enough. Only issue is if there's a problem with the track, they probably need the original master to do anything about it, or they may not have the rights to change them (depending on their arrangements).
    You might be interested in this: http://www.shsforums.net/topic/50032-1pp-high-quality-music-for-soatob-tututosc-iwd/ It's a mod which replaces the 22.05khz files with 44.01khz from the official soundtrack CDs. Whether or not it makes a big difference is debatable.
    EDI: I just compared the BG theme on the soundtrack to the .ACM in Near Infinity, it does make a notable difference. Most people won't notice, but it's a very nice mod if you appreciate high quality audio. I suggest good speakers for optimum pleasure.
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  • With my limited knowledge I can't access the music through Near Infinity, but you are able to. I suggest you try it out, it could prove useful.
    I remember trying to import a .ACM into Audacity as a raw file ages ago but all I got was loud static. If you could tell me how you converted them to .AIFF I'd appreciate it.
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  • edited August 2012
    I've gotten mildly proficient with NI, but I'm not seeing ACM files with it either. It's worth fixing but will just go on the burner, see if we can get to it... Actually @Cuv could probably get at it.
    [EDIT] Just found the ACM files, but just recognized which final battle is being discussed: ToB's... Focusing on BG1EE at the moment. ;-)
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  • @Bhryaen All the preview buttons in NI for .ACM files are blacked out, so I can't play them. I think you need some third party program to listen to them through NI but I forget what it's called, I should check the website.
    If gives you the choice of converting them to mono or stereo, but it just tells you 'Error during conversion' so I'm pretty much locked out of doing anything to them without learning more.
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  • @Ward
    It's called acm2wav.exe. I got it from some obscure site:
    If you get it there, download the section called 'acm2wav.zip' which gets you everything you need. I just listened to the files mentioned in the OP and didn't hear anything unusual, but it may be in how they're mixed rather than in the files themselves. It's a down-the-road issue, but not too far down it obviously...
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  • edited August 2012
    @Bhryaen Great find. I found out about this Fallout converter a long time ago but I couldn't find the link. Thanks for that, now I've got some new music to listen to.
    If you can let me know how you link this up to NI I'd appreciate it. Telling me that acm2wav isn't found so I guess you have to put it in the same directory.
    EDIT: Yep got to put it in the same folder.
    I still want to try your ACM convert @MosesHall, but first my internet needs to work faster, they slowed it.
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  • @Ward Yes, just put it in your main BG directory... then NI can find it and convert the sounds in the editor. Sounds like you got it there now:)
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  • @Ward: Thanks for the info on the 44 KHz alternative, with my sound setup that would be sure to make a huge difference! I hope the OST CDs get released with the Extended Edition, that'd be way cool.
    Here's a little more info from my experimentation: I exported AIFF files (since I'm on Mac I don't have acm2wav or NI) using ACMPlayer and examined and concatenated them in Audacity. The transition is at a nice zero crossing in both files (another theory bites the dust) but I wonder if the music editors introduced the glitch by fading one or both files too aggressively. It looks almost like there is too much 'silence' right at that boundary, I perceive it as a dropout.
    Try this just for fun: export both files (MB_D3.acm and MB_E1.acm) to wav and concatenate them in Audacity. Set the playback speed to 20% or lower and listen for the dropout at about 3.98 seconds. At that speed it sticks out like a sore thumb (on my setup, anyway).
    Yeah, I know I jumped the gun, this being a ToB thing, but I figgered I'd get it in the loop since I'm kind of relying on 3rd parties to confirm I'm not just having audio hallucinations ;-) 'Twoud be a shame if I procrastinated and something fixable got overlooked!
    And I also acknowledge this is an incredibly trivial complaint. Hey, I work at a university library! 'nuff said.
    Thanks all!
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  • Speaking of audio glitches, has the quick save interrupts the musical sound track issue been fixed?
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  • @ajwz: Hmmm, I will leave that to the big bosses to mull over. Actually, given the choice between hearing blessed silence ('oh, it's safe now' to QS) and cool music (QSing but 'rodents?! Aaaahhh!') I guess this time round I like da bugz.
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  • @MosesHall
    What I discovered in Near Infinity is that many of the songs aren't a single track. Lots of them are made up of 'snips' which are meant to play together seamlessly. For some reason you're getting this jump or pause between an interval of these snips, but I don't know why.
    I don't have mac so if your ACM converter isn't for PC I will be sad.
    Are you hearing this in game man, or is it a visual bump in the audio?
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  • @Ward: sorry man, ACMPlayer is Mac-only (BUT there are lots of other, better wares on Win/Lin side for playing them I'm sure).
    So yeah, in all of Soa/ToB music I have looked at, the ACM files are individual snippets and the MUS files are basically text files that map out the way they're all put together and looped, and which ending to play when the fight's over. It's pretty ingenious.
    I THINK I have heard this particular glitch in-game, but it has been a long time since I played thru the entirety of ToB. Bear in mind this music is from the endgame battle, and I was, er, a bit preoccupied trying not to get splattered.
    I intend, if possible, to try getting my current game high enough level to survive a minute or two (which basically means, planetar available) and then CLUAConsoling myself to the final battle area and seeing if the music gets triggered. ('Hi endgame boss, no I didn't come to fight you, I just want to listen to the jukebox.')
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  • Speaking of audio glitches, has the quick save interrupts the musical sound track issue been fixed?

    Yes, as there's no more loading screen to interrupt the audio track.
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  • @Nathan: for reals? I kinda like that loading screen. The music fades and I know I can safely take a quick sip of coffee before having Keldorn's Vhailor sim summon more planetars ;-)
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  • @MosesHall
    Does the word instant mean anything to ya? ;-)
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  • @Bhryaen: I'm currently running BG in Rosetta (PowerPC emulator) on OS X. What is this 'instant' you speak of? ;-)
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  • I must confess, having been watching Tord's Lilly Black campaign on YT for the past several days (and enjoying it far more than I expected!) I was like 'whoa, that load/save screen sure doesn't waste any time!'
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  • 1·Share on Google+Share on TwitterShare on Facebook
  • I'm so glad about this. I have played through so many times, but nowadays the sound is normally off and I am listening to music or podcasts in the background. With the new music being added, I really want to rediscover the soundtrack.
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  • Makes me wonder if they'll be able to achieve 'instant coffee' performance on less powerful hardware, e.g., iPad. That would be some pretty slick programming.
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  • I'm putting this comment in here as a sort of 'note to self' and to anyone who might be interested. I started the ACMPlayer project in hopes of not just being able to play arbitrary BG music on the Mac, but to be able to get at some of those great ambient sounds and dialogues. Case in point: Temple of Helm, which atmosphere I always liked. So recently I have been working on getting the software to understand .bif, .tlk, and .key files. The UI is still horrid, so I won't be able to release the software for a while. But I do have the app able to find and play (most of) the ACM files that are crammed into some of the BIFF files on my old SoA/ToB install.
    The Temple of Helm music is music/Mx0512.mus and the ambient is in CD3/Data/Area090A.bif, resource ID AM0901, and the spoken bits (some of which I'm not sure are actually used in-game, e.g., 'you have to understand, my son, that that is the reason we have this duty to perform') are resources AM0901B1 thru AM0901B8. I saw a posting on GameFAQs from a while back, asking about the Helm music and sounds, but the topic is closed, so I am hoping anyone searching for the info might stumble upon what I have written here.
    When I release the software enhancements, I'll write an announcement under a new topic. I think Mac players will enjoy being able to futz around with the sounds and music. There's a lot of WEIRD sound effects buried inside those files, that seem rarely to have seen the light of day!
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