Search For Text In All Java Files In Eclipse Mac

  1. Java Files Example
  2. Free Download Java Files
  1. Join Charles Kelly for an in-depth discussion in this video Installing Eclipse for JavaScript development, part of Learning Eclipse (2012).
  2. The Web Search plugin for Eclipse allows you to search for selected text using a variety of search engines and services, including Google, Google Code Search, Bing, FindJar, and Stack Overflow. The search engines can be accessed from the workbench search menu or the context menu any time text can be extracted from the current selection.

Is it possible to search for terms (such as method names) in.class files (from Referenced Libraries) in eclipse (I am able to view them automatically with JD Java Decompiler, so if I go through various class files I can find what I'm looking for visually or by searching each individual file).

Active3 years, 4 months ago

Very often while working in Eclipse I realize that I remember class name, but forgot in which package this class is. Using Search is not very convenient. Too many clicks and key presses. I wonder, is there a plugin to simplify this process? For example, would be great if there was text-edit box in the top of package explorer which could filter showing packages and .java files depending of entered text. Anyone knows something like that?


Java Files Example

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JavaAleksandr KravetsAleksandr Kravets
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1 Answer

Eclipse does provide similar functions:

Open Resource Shift+Ctrl+R for all resource files (including Java files)

Free Download Java Files

Open Type Shift+Ctrl+T for all Java classes in classpath.

They also filter the list as you type.

Note that they search all files of all opened projects in current workspace.

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Rangi LinRangi Lin
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