Getting Double Quotes For Radi Button Text Edit Html Mac

If you use a Mac, you don't need to buy or download an HTML editor to write HTML for a webpage. You have TextEdit, a perfectly functional text editor built into your macOS operating system. For many people, this is all they ever need to code a webpage— TextEdit and a basic understanding of HTML.

Active8 years, 4 months ago

I have a list of radio buttons like this:

When I write

The text is added to the radio button and the current text 'option 1' still shows.

How can I change this to make it work?



Getting Double Quotes For Radi Button Text Edit Html Mac Mail

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Getting Double Quotes For Radi Button Text Edit Html Mac

1 Answer

You should wrap your text in <label> elements:

Now your text is explicitly associated with the corresponding radio button and users will even be able to click on the text, visually impaired users will also be quite thankful for the improved usability. Then you can just do:

mu is too shortmu is too short
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Getting Double Quotes For Radi Button Text Edit Html Mac Editor

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