Excel 2016 For Mac Slow In Converting Text To Numbers

Active1 year, 6 months ago

I would like to prevent Excel behavior that any large number I enter is stored as a number, then abbreviated to scientific notation.Is it possible to tell Excel 2007 to stop doing this?

Here are good tips to save your time - 2 fastest ways to replace formulas in Excel cells with their values. Both hints work for Excel 2016, 2013 and 2010. You may have different reasons for converting formulas to values. Sep 28, 2018  Convert number stored as text to number - Excel 2016 for Mac High Sierra Once upon a time, one could get external data from the web, etc. Stock quotes for example. Rather than retrieving the data manually, one could ostensibly create a web query in Excel, which upon opening the file, spawned a related.iqy txt file in MSWord and when the data.

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Pierre GardinPierre Gardin
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4 Answers

Unfortunately excel does not allow you to turn this functionality off by default.

However if you select your data, right click, and click 'Format cells...' and choose Number you can stop excel from changing your data to scientific notation.

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This is inconvenient (yet effective) hack. Note, this is only really useful if you need to import the full number into another application (like Access) or provide the proper display.

If you format the column in question as number, you can copy all correctly formatted numbers into Notepad. Then just create a new column formatted as text, and copy the Notepad representation into the new column.


Excel 2016 For Mac Slow In Converting Text To Numbers In Access

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Marvin Ward JrMarvin Ward Jr

Maybe scientific notation is one of the less useful Excel behaviour.

If you have a scientific notation in the A1 cell you cant just use this formula to have a text formatted value in the B1 cell:


Excel 2016 for mac slow in converting text to numbers in proc

This is an example of the results:


If you want to make ALL numbers typed within a sheet NOT to appear in scientific format, you can consider creating a template & reusing it.

Excel 2016 For Mac Slow In Convert Text To Numbers

When you create the template, select the whole sheet and set the default number format for all cells to 'Number'.

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