Compile And Run Result With Sublime Text For Mac

For the Mac people, it meant that they didn’t know how what tool to use apart from X-Code which of course didn’t work (but it did for C++) and me, it meant that I had to find a way to compile my code written in mere text editors like Atom or Sublime.

Compile And Run Result With Sublime Text For Mac Download

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RunCompile and run result with sublime text for mac download

I am using Sublime Text 3 and the build system integrated in it in order to compile C++ programs. I managed to write a build system to compile the whole project (all .cpp files in a directory) and then run in it Mac Terminal, however, the problem is that the working directory of Terminal is not the current folder, so I cannot use relative paths (for example) in C++ programs. Is there a way to fix this?


Compile And Run Result With Sublime Text For Mac

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Compile and run result with sublime text for mac download

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