Angle Text In Pages For Mac

  1. Angle Text In Pages For Mac
  2. Why Can't I Download Pages For Mac
  3. Pages
  4. How To Angle Text In Pages
  5. Angle Text In Word Table
  6. How To Angle Text Excel
Active7 years, 7 months ago

Returns the standard deviation, a measure of dispersion, of a collection of values that may include text and Boolean values, based on the sample (unbiased) variance. STDEVP Returns the standard deviation, a measure of dispersion, of a collection of values based on their population (true) variance. After seeing our tip on how to show the degree symbol on the iPhone, a reader recently asked about how to use the degree symbol in OS X. Thankfully, typing a degree symbol on your Mac in OS X is.

I would like to know whether it is possible or not to create text in a web page at an angle, for example at 40 Degrees. If it is possible, how can I do this?

EDIT: Finally, I decided to go with Mathias Bynens's answer.

Ryan S
TextRyan S

Angle Text In Pages For Mac

Ryan S
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3 Answers

To add to Mathias' answer, you can rotate text in IE, too:

However, you are bound to multiples of 90°.

Why Can't I Download Pages For Mac

Apart from that you could utilize SVG/VML for rotated text. Look, for example, at this page:

It uses the RaphaelJS library for cross browser text rotation without images.

55.8k38 gold badges126 silver badges194 bronze badges

Use CSS3 transforms:

IE does support filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=3);, where the rotation property accepts one of four values: 0, 1, 2, or 3 which will rotate the element 0, 90, 180 or 270 degrees respectively. It’s a filter though, so I wouldn’t recommended using it.

Mathias BynensMathias Bynens
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Mathias is right in his answer, but to also support IE you can use their filter:


Then IE will be supported too :)


How To Angle Text In Pages


Angle Text In Word Table

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How To Angle Text Excel

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