Where Is The Text Box In Excel For Mac

The answer is to use Control+Option+Enter, which will create a line break in the cell. As an alternative, Control+Command+Enter can also be used to achieve the same. These combinations work both in Excel for Mac 2011 and the new Excel for Mac 2015. As pointed out by Shameer in this answer, Alt+Enter now seems to work as well in the new Excel for Mac 2015.

Active3 years, 11 months ago

What key combination do I have to press to create a line break in a cell in Excel for Mac 2011? The Windows combination of Alt+Enter does not work on the Mac.

nwinklerWhere is the text box in photoshopInsert text box in excelnwinkler
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10 Answers

The answer is to use Control+Option+Enter, which will create a line break in the cell.

As an alternative, Control+Command+Enter can also be used to achieve the same.

These combinations work both in Excel for Mac 2011 and the new Excel for Mac 2015.

As pointed out by Shameer in this answer, Alt+Enter now seems to work as well in the new Excel for Mac 2015.

5,73321 gold badges41 silver badges65 bronze badges

The ⌥ alt key is also the ⌥ option key on a Mac keyboard.
Hence, ⌃ control+option ⌥+↩ return works too.

Where Is The Text Box In Excel For Mac

145k25 gold badges229 silver badges340 bronze badges
Mark BergmanMark Bergman
2,2675 gold badges17 silver badges25 bronze badges
6,26112 gold badges37 silver badges60 bronze badges

None of these seems to work. Have tried all. I am using a keyboard to interface to the Mac. I am using Office 365.

EDIT: Weirdly if I used fn+f2 to get the curser in the cell, fn+alt+cmd+return then worked...


All was wrong. Fn + Shift + Enter is the right combination .


Where Is The Text Box In Microsoft Word 2016

10.6k9 gold badges40 silver badges63 bronze badges

fn + + + .

The fn causes the option key to become the alt key.

10.6k9 gold badges40 silver badges63 bronze badges
Martin ErbMartin Erb

In Microsoft Excel for Mac (Preview)

ctrl ^ + U

Text Box In Excel 2003


Insert Text Box In Excel

fn + F2

Nika MamulashviliNika Mamulashvili

http://giffconstable.com/2013/10/mac-excel-keyboard-shortcuts/ helped me figure it out -> it turns out to be ctrl-i worked on my macbook

57.1k14 gold badges120 silver badges168 bronze badges

Where Is The Text Box In Word


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