What Is The Free Text Editor For Mac

  1. Text Edit For Mac
  2. Best Free Text Editor For Programming
  3. Best Text Editor On Mac

9 Best Text Editors for Mac – Paid and Free Mac Text Editors. Earlier, we had given you a list of best CSS editors to create and edit CSS files, and some of those editors are good text editors as well. Full featured terminal text editor for Unix-like systems. Free software: mg: Small and light, uses GNU/Emacs keybindings. Installed by default on OpenBSD. Free software: MinEd: Text editor with user-friendly interface, mouse and menu control, and extensive Unicode and CJK support; for Unix/Linux and Windows/DOS. Free software: Nano: A clone of Pico GPL licensed.

Active6 years, 6 months ago

I am about to kill dreamweaver...i reall wanna find something smooth and convenient (im addicted to the internal FTP stuff in dreamweaver).

Text Edit For Mac


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9 Answers

It's not free but I think the consensus choice is TextMate.

Smultron is open source and quite nice. Perhaps not as full-featured as DreamWeaver though.

Bennett McElweeBennett McElwee
18.6k6 gold badges43 silver badges58 bronze badges
What Is The Free Text Editor For MacDavid VekslerDavid Veksler
3571 gold badge4 silver badges14 bronze badges

I think if you want to try something like dreamweaver, only lighter, try Coda. It's got lots of CSS stuff, a terminal, remote syncing via FTP. It's a very mac experience. I do enjoy using it when I get a chance these days.

31.2k13 gold badges61 silver badges77 bronze badges

I would suggest going with TextWrangler if you are looking for a good GUI supported free IDE. Many programmers love it. I have also seen a lot of people using Smultron (although have never used it myself).

I would also consider trying to learn how to use vim or emacs. I have been learning vim for a couple of months now and find it to be very rewarding. It has some extremely powerful features and can be found almost anywhere (even when I pop over through SSH!)

Although, I think that everyone will tell you that TextMate is widely considered the best text editor. In fact, it is basically the reason I bought a Mac.

You might also want to consider the following (although not free):


You could also look at the newly released Bespin from Mozilla. Very experimental but worth a look :)

3,7061 gold badge23 silver badges33 bronze badges

I am a follower of the true religion of emacs. It's free, and there's a mac version that runs natively in the UI...

But then again, I've already put in the time to beat the learning curve, and have drunk the kool-aid so, take that with as much salt as you require...

Oh, also, it deals great with FTP...

Brian PostowBrian Postow
5,79914 gold badges61 silver badges103 bronze badges

Best Free Text Editor For Programming

Although only the trials are free, both BBEdit and TextMate are excellent text editors and reasonably priced.

Both have comprehensive syntax highlighting and support for a variety of languages (incl HTML and CSS), and both have support for working with files on FTP sites.

I like TextMate a little bit more, but I tend to use BBEdit as it has better printing capabilities and I often find myself printing hard copies for reference.

Andrew GrantAndrew Grant
51.1k22 gold badges123 silver badges139 bronze badges

If you're an Emacs fan, try Aquamacs, an Aqua-style version of Emacs. I use it because I don't have to learn the weird Emacs command to quit or save - Aquamacs uses traditional Mac hotkeys for quit/save/open/new. Emacs hotkeys, as well as pulldown menus, are still available for more complicated functions. Plus it has the fully-developed syntax highlighting of Emacs. I don't know what language you're using, but I know from experience that it's great for Perl.

EDIT: Don't know about internal FTP. Emacs might have it. It certainly seems that, if any text editor has a feature, Emacs should.

Chris LutzChris Lutz
57k14 gold badges114 silver badges174 bronze badges

Best Text Editor On Mac

What Is The Free Text Editor For Mac

There ar a lot of options available for text editors.

  1. TextWrangler
  2. Emacs
  3. Aquamacs
  4. MacVim
  5. TextEdit

All of them are free. But I personally prefer TextWrangler. Its compatible for HTML/PHP and others popular programming languages.


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