Text Not Printing In Word For Mac

  1. Text Not Printing In Write Spot Cricut
  2. Text Box Not Printing Word
  3. Word Not Printing Text
  1. With a document open on your Mac, choose File > Print, or press Command-P.

    The Print dialog opens, with a small preview of how your document will look when printed. Click the arrows below the preview to scroll through the pages.

    Tip: To view a full-size preview in the Preview app, click the PDF pop-up menu, then choose Open PDF in Preview.

  2. If the settings in the Print dialog are fine as is, click Print, and you’re done. Otherwise, continue to step 3.

  3. Choose any of the following common print settings (you may need to click Show Details to see some of the settings):

    • Printer: Choose the printer you want to use. If the printer you want isn’t available, you can add one. See Add a printer on Mac. If you see an icon next to the printer you want to use, there may be an issue you need to resolve—see Check a printer’s status from Mac.

    • Presets: A preset is a group of print settings. In most cases you can use the default settings, but you can also choose a group of settings you’ve saved from a previous print job. See Save your Mac print settings to use later.

    • Copies: Specify the number of copies you want. To print all pages of a document before the next copy prints, click Show Details, click the print options pop-up menu, choose Paper Handling, then select “Collate pages.”

    • B & W (or Black and White): Select to print in black and white, if your printer has this capability.

    • Two-Sided: Select this to print on both sides of the paper (also called duplexing), if your printer has this capability.

    • Pages: Choose to print all pages, a single page, or a range of pages.

    • Orientation: Click the buttons to switch between portrait or landscape orientation.

For more detailed information about printing options, see Choose advanced print settings.

Mar 04, 2009  This did not completely solve the problem for me. BUT I did a Save As. And saved the document as a PDF. The text boxes then appeared in the PDF document. I can now print the PDF document with the text boxes (the docx version still does not want to print the text boxes though). Step 2: In the Word Options dialog, select Display, and then navigate to the Printing options section. To print out the hidden content, check Print hidden text and click OK. In order not to print out the hidden content, uncheck Print hidden text and click OK. Having similar issues. Word for Mac 2004, tried printing a document I used all the time without issues. Haven't printed the document in a few months, now nothing shows up when I print it, blank page. Sometimes a few text boxes (outlines) will print but with no text inside them that should be there.

You might see different options in the Print dialog depending on your printer and the app you’re using. If these instructions differ from what you’re seeing, check the documentation for the app you’re using by clicking Help in the menu bar.

Tip: If you print a document and see unexpected margin sizes or clipped text, there may be a conflict between the margins set for your page size in the app and the nonprintable area of the page set for your selected printer. Try setting the nonprintable area for the page size to zero. For information about how to set the nonprintable area associated with a page size, see Create a custom paper size for printing.

See alsoChoose advanced print settings on MacAdd a printer on MacUse the Dock on your Mac to check on a printer or print jobSolve printing problems on Mac

It can be frustrating to have your document all ready to go but when you try to print you're not able to. In this article we'll walk you through a few steps you can try to get printing from Microsoft Office for Mac working again.

In this article I'm going to assume that you've already checked a few of the obvious things such as:

  • Is the printer turned on?

  • Is there paper, ink and/or toner in the printer?

  • All cables to the printer and the computer are securely connected?

Note: If your printer is displaying an error message please contact the manufacturer of the printer for support of that specific error message.

This article is for troubleshooting when you can't get your document to print at all. If you have questions about how to print a document in Office for Mac or how to do special things like print on both sides of the page (duplex) see Print a document in Word for Mac.

Make sure you have all Apple software updates installed

The first thing to do in troubleshooting print issues is to make sure you have all of your Apple software updates installed. To do that: click the Apple button at the top left corner and choose Software Update. Walk through the Software Update wizard and have it download and install any updates that it finds.

Once the updates are complete, reboot your computer then try your print job again. If it still won't print your printer may be paused or another print job may be holding up the queue.


Make sure your printer isn't paused

  1. Click the printer's icon in the Dock to open the printer's queue window .

  2. If you see the Resume button in the toolbar that suggests that the printer is paused. Click the Resume button and see if printing proceeds.

If the printer isn't paused, but print jobs are stacking up anyhow, it's possible that another print job is holding up the queue because of an error with that job. To clear that job select it, then click the Delete Job button on the right .

Test printing in a new document

It's possible that the problem is in your document, so let's try printing from a different document to test that idea.

  1. Create a new file in the Office program (Word, Excel, PowerPoint etc.) that you're having trouble printing from. To do that click File > New

  2. Type a few words of random text

  3. Try to print the document

Text Not Printing In Write Spot Cricut


If it prints successfully that tells us that the problem is in your existing document. See Troubleshoot damaged documents in Word for Mac.

Text Box Not Printing Word

If it doesn't print successfully try changing the font of your text by selecting your sample text, choosing the Font drop down on the ribbon, and selecting a different font. Try printing again. If it prints successfully that tells us the problem is with the font you're using. The easiest solution is to use a different font for your text.

Try printing from another program

To test whether another program can communicate with the printer, and whether the printer driver is functioning, try to print from another program such as Notes. Start the Notes app on your Mac, open an existing note or create a new note with some sample text, then click File> Print and see if it will print.

If it prints successfully from Notes that tell us that you have a problem with your installation of Microsoft Office. In that case you may need to uninstall Office 2016 from your Mac and then reinstall it. See Troubleshoot Office 2016 for Mac issues by completely uninstalling before you reinstall.

If it does not print successfully from other programs that suggests there may be a problem with the printer drivers or configuration.

Delete the printer and reinstall it in OSX

To delete and add the printer, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Apple logo in the upper-left of the screen

  2. Click System Preferences

  3. Click Printers & Scanners

  4. Select the printer that you want to remove

  5. Click Delete (-)

  6. To add a new printer and test it, Click Add (+)

  7. In the Connection Method list, click the connection method that your printer uses

  8. In the Printer list, click the printer that you want to add, and then click Add

Go back to your Microsoft Office application and try printing to the printer you just re-added. If it still won't print, it may be that you need to replace your print driver files.

Remove and reinstall your print driver files

Word Not Printing Text

Deleting and reinstalling your printer resets that printer's settings but may not always replace the print driver files. Follow these steps to replace those:

  1. Click the Apple logo in the upper-left of the screen

  2. Choose System Preferences

  3. Choose Printers & Scanners

  4. Control+Click anywhere in the device list. Choose Reset printing system from the shortcut menu.

  5. In Finder choose Go > Go to Folder and go to the /Library/Printers/ folder.

  6. In the Printers folder that appears click Edit > Select All then choose File > New folder with Selection to create a new folder containing those drivers. The folder will be named 'New Folder With Items' by default, which is fine for our purposes. When we're done you can delete that folder to save space.

  7. Repeat the process you did for deleting and reinstalling the printer. This time your system will download and install new printer drivers too.

Go back to Office and test your printing again. If it still doesn't work your printer preference files might be causing the problem.

Replace the printer preference files

Corrupted printer preference files may cause printing issues. To replace the printer preference files, follow these steps:

  1. On the desktop, click File, click New Folder, type Print Prefs, and then press RETURN on your keyboard

  2. On the Go menu, click Home

  3. Open Library

    Note: The Library folder is hidden in MAC OS X Lion. To display this folder, hold down the OPTION key while you click the Go menu

  4. Click Preferences

  5. Hold down the Apple or Command key, and then click each com.apple.print.*.plist file. For example, hold down the Apple key, click com.apple.print.PrintCenter.plist, and then click com.apple.print.PrintingPrefs.plist. In this example, the com.apple.print.PrintCenter.plist and com.apple.print.PrintingPrefs.plist files should be highlighted

  6. Drag the files that you highlighted in step 5 to the Print Prefs folder that you created in step 1.

  7. Restart your Mac

Try printing again from Microsoft Office for Mac.

See also