Mac Text Editor For Ruby

Mac Text Editor For Ruby

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Ruby Text Editor For Windows

Ruby programs can be created using any text editor such as EditRocket. Ruby programs and scripts typically end with the.rb extension. Ruby programs and scripts typically end with the.rb extension. EditRocket will automatically recognize files with the.rb extension as Ruby programs, and will color the syntax accordingly. Of each of the text editors we’ll discuss, whether for writing or programming, I’ve spent more than a week with each while professionally developing Ruby on Rails applications and writing an array of smaller Go, PHP, and Swift files.

  • Course details

    Learn to install all of the software necessary for developing projects in Ruby on Rails, the popular web application framework. This course is designed for developers and other users who want to install and configure Ruby on Rails 5 on their Mac. Kevin Skoglund shows how to use Unix to set up a complete development environment, including Xcode, Homebrew (an open-source software package manager), Ruby, RubyGems, and MySQL. Learn how to select an appropriate text editor and get started creating and launching new Ruby on Rails projects.

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  • Welcome

    - [Instructor] We're almost done with all the installations we need to be able to develop with Ruby on Rails. The last thing is to make sure that you have a good text editor that you can use for writing your code. Mac OS X comes with the very simple text editor called Text Edit. You may also have some word processing programs installed like Microsoft Word or OpenOffice or Pages. None of those are applications that are suitable for developing with code. We need an application that's designed not just to be a text editor, to be a code editor. There are a few features that we need to look for. The first is that you want something that does code coloring and syntax highlighting, that is that it understands the language that we're programming in well enough that different parts of the language can be given different colors. So for example, if we're programming in Ruby, then a Ruby class name might be in green, Ruby method name might be in red and a variable name might be in blue. It makes…

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Mac Text Editor For Ruby