How To Unhighlight Text In Word For Mac

Adobe Acrobat not only enables you to create PDF files that present your products and services to your clients, but also helps you through editing to collaborate on documents and streamline reviews. The Highlight tool enables you to flag text in your PDF documents and also enables you to add comments to the flagged sections. Flagged text is highlighted in yellow. If you no longer need to use a highlighted section, you can rapidly unhighlight it.

Step 1

Launch Adobe Acrobat X and open the PDF that you're working on.

Step 2

Browse through the document until you find the highlighted section.

Click on the highlighted word, phrase, sentence or area you want to unhighlight. Press the 'Delete' key on your computer's keyboard. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for the next word, phrase, sentence or area you want to unhighlight. Highlight the text you want to highlight in Word. Select all of your text in Word, do a copy (command +c) go to Mail, do a paste (command+v). Sorry for my english, I'm a french canadian.

Step 3

Hover the mouse over the highlighted text; the insertion cursor changes to a small black arrowhead. Click once to select the entire highlighted section.

Step 4

How To Unhighlight Text In Word Document

Right-click the selected section and choose 'Delete' from the context menu to unhighlight the section of text.


How To Unhighlight Text In Word For Mac
  • To highlight text, select the section that you want to highlight, right-click it and choose 'Highlight' from the context menu.


About the Author

Kirk Bennet started writing for websites and online publications in 2005. He covers topics in nutrition, health, gardening, home improvement and information technology.

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Word's highlighting feature lets you display color behind text. (Don't confuse the term highlight with select-they're not the same, although many people use the terms interchangeably.) In Word 2007/2010, the highlighting option's in the Font group on the Home tab.

Similar to most formatting options, this one's easy to use. Select a color from the dropdown and select your text, which makes this option just a bit different than others because you select the color before you select the text. A second click disables the tool. To remove existing highlight, select the text and choose No Color from the Text Highlight dropdown.


Most of you already know about this tool; what you might not know about is 2007/2010's new keyboard shortcut for this tool. Simply select the text and press [Ctrl]+[Alt]+H to highlight the current selection. It acts as a toggle, so repeat those steps to remove the highlight. Since you're not selecting a color, this method applies the currently selected color, but if you don't change the color often, you can probably live with it.

It's a great addition to the ribbon version, but, if you're using Word 2003, there's no keyboard shortcut for this feature. You can add one of your own as follows:

  1. From the Tools menu, choose Customize.
  2. In the resulting Customize dialog box, click Keyboard (it's all three tabs).
  3. Choose All Commands from the Categories list.
  4. In the Commands list, choose Highlight.
  5. Click inside the Press New Shortcut Key control.
  6. Press the keys you want to assign to this shortcut-perhaps, [Alt]+H.
  7. Click Assign.
  8. Click Close twice.

Unhighlight Numbering In Word

Now, in Word 2003, you can select text, press [Alt]+H and apply (and remove) a highlight.