Cant Bend Text In Word For Mac 2016

How to insert old style word art in Microsoft office word 2016 / 2013.

Active6 years, 1 month ago

This question already has an answer here:

Cant Bend Text In Word For Mac 2016
  • Where is the Text Transform option for curving text in Microsoft Word? 2 answers

How do I curve text in a word? I was able to do in a previous version of word. I was able to bend any word.

I have tried the word art option and it allows only shadowing but not the option to curve a word.


marked as duplicate by gronostaj, Tog, Simon Sheehan, Shekhar, ExcellllJul 24 '13 at 16:11

This question has been asked before and already has an answer. If those answers do not fully address your question, please ask a new question.


Bend Text In Word 2016

1 Answer

In Word 2010, highlight text and then select Word Art from the Drawing Tools / Format Tab and apply one of the Word Art text styles.

With text still selected, choose the Text Effect (bottom) button in the Word Styles section of the same tab and and then the Transform option on the drop-down menu.

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Cant Bend Text In Word For Mac 2016 Download

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