Configure Sublime Text 3 For Python3 Mac

  1. How To Configure Sublime Text For Python
  2. Sublime Text Python 3 Build
  3. Configure Sublime Text 3 For Python3 Mac
  4. Sublime Text Python Download
Active4 years, 10 months ago

I am trying to setup Sublime Text 2 so that the build command correctly runs Python3 / Python3.3 scripts.

I have installed Python 3.3 via the installer obtained from and installed Sublime Text 2 via the Sublime Text 2 installer.

Following this I added a custom build entry called:

If you face any problem to install or run Sublime Text 3, get help from here. Source: Install Sublime Text 3 Ubuntu 14.04 or 16.04 Using Terminal 896 Views View 1 Upvoter.

How To Configure Sublime Text For Python

into Sublime Text 2's Python folder with the following contents:

I'm getting the following error when trying to run the script:

I have read somewhere that symlinkng python3 from /usr/bin might fix the issue but after creating the symlink in /usr/bin through Finder, Sublime Text still cannot build as it gets a permissions error.

What is the best way to set Sublime Text 2 up to allow for running Python3 scripts?


If I place the PATH for the python3 simlink generated by install, Sublime Text 2 can build the script,

But when I tried adding the PATH to the ~/.MacOSX/environment.plist as advised without the defined PATH I get the error. Could anyone point out why this is not working?

Sublime text python 3 buildBryan Luby
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4 Answers

Add 'path': '/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.3/bin/' to your Python3 build file. Mine looks like this:

Note: Make sure the path to Python3 is relative to your machine - that was true for mine


I gave the complete path to python3 to get this to work:

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Ayush GoelAyush Goel

The issue is the normal OSX one that GUI Applications do not read your shell profiles etc and so just have the path inherited from the Workspace.

The way to fix this is to add the path in ~/.MacOSX/environment.plist

That is add a key string pair for PATH e.g.

You will need to logout and login or possibly reboot for this to work.

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Sister site stackoverflow has few entries with explanations regarding the issue of setting PATH environment variables for GUI based applications. Some claim that environment.plist works and others claim it doesn't and recommend using launched.conf.

Mac OS X Lion no longer recognizes environment.plist, Environment variables in Mac OS X, and Set environment variables on Mac OS X Lion. Also this answer has more details about launched.conf format.


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In this tutorial you will learn how to run python program in sublime text in windows.

Just follow below steps to configure sublime text. The whole process is divided into two parts.

Part 1: Setting Path

Sublime Text Python 3 Build

First of all you have to set the path of python installation directory in environment variable. You can skip this step if it is already done.

Configure Sublime Text 3 For Python3 Mac

1. Copy the path of python installation directory. In my case it looks like as shown below.


Note: Here TCP is the user name of my computer. It will be different in your case.

2. Now right click on Computer and click on Properties option. Then select Advance system settings in left sidebar.

Sublime Text Python Download

3. Now click on Environment Variables and then under System variables select variable with name Path.

4. Click Edit button and then in Variable value field go to end and type semicolon and then paste the path of python directory that you copied. See below screenshot.

5. Finally click on all OK buttons to save the settings.

Part 2: Install SublimeREPL Plugin

For taking input from user in sublime text we need a plugin named as SublimeREPL. So follow below steps to install it.

1. Go to below link and copy the code according to your sublime text version.

2. Open sublime and go to View > Show Console. Then in console box at bottom paste the code that you have just copied and press enter. Wait for few seconds, it will install required packages.

3. Then go to Preferences > Package Control > Package Control: Install Package.

4. In textbox type SublimeREPL and select it to install the plugin. After installation restart sublime text.

5. Now got to Tools > Build System > New Build System. A new file will open, just paste the following code in it.