Chinese Text Editor For Mac

NJStar Software Company has been developing Chinese, Japanese and Korean (CJK) software since 1991. The following CJK software products are currently available for trial and purchase. We encourage you to download a trial version and try it out. Atom Text Editor For Mac is an open-source content tool that can be utilized as an IDE for a plenty of programming dialects. Regardless of whether you’re tweaking the look of Atom’s interface with CSS or including real highlights with HTML and JavaScript, it’s never been less demanding to take control of your manager.

Active1 year, 8 months ago

I try to use ImageMagick to handle a Chinese character to a image on my MacBook.

I use command to check the Chinese fonts available on my system.

convert -list font | grep Font

I did not get any.

Seen from the ImageMagick guide Text to Image Handling, Chinese font seems like supported , such as ZenKaiUni

And seen from the application Font Album of my MacBook. There are so many Chinese fonts.

I think it is OK. How to figure it out?

Vadim Kotov
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3 Answers

You can't do it in ImagMagick as the font information it uses doesn't include language support, but it's easy with Font by creating a Smart Collection as follows:


On my Mac I have 35 fonts which include Chinese characters.

(The dimmed/greyed fonts are available but will need to be downloaded from Apple servers before I can use them, an automatic process done when selecting those fonts in any app.)

Matt SephtonMatt Sephton
1,6023 gold badges23 silver badges38 bronze badges

You can either tell ImageMagick about all the fonts on your system, like this and then they will show up if you do:

Then you can use shorthand:

Or, you can just tell ImageMagick the full path to any font on a per-invocation basis:

You would probably put Unicode for Chinese characters in place of my 'Hello'.

Mark SetchellMark Setchell
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I do not have any chinese fonts on my system, but here is an example of what I would suggest using the symbol font. First download a proper UTF-8 chinese font, i.e. one that supports UTF-8 characters. Then open a UTF-8 compatible text editor, choose that font and type your string. For example, here is a screensnap of the symbols.txt file that I created using the symbol font in my BBEdit UTF-8 compatible text editor on my Mac.

Then using ImageMagick,

And the resulting symbol.gif image is:

Adding .utf8 as suffix to your file is not adequate. You must create a text file in a UTF-8 compatible text editor using a UTF-8 compatible font.

Chinese Text Editor For Mac

Furthermore, most terminal windows do not support UTF-8 characters / fonts. So typing your characters directly into the command line in the terminal window does not always work. See

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